Ukraine will receive a grant of 1 million euros for energy-saving measures in hospitals – Chernyshov

Ukraine will receive a €1 million grant from the European Investment Bank (EIB) for energy-saving measures in hospitals.

The press service of the Ministry of Community and Territorial Development reported this.

The EIB and the Ministry of Community and Territorial Development have signed a grant agreement for the further implementation of the Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Ukraine project.

"Energy efficiency is one of the key priorities of regional development for the coming years. I'm sincerely grateful to our European partners and the multilateral donor fund E5P for this support. The grant is aimed, in particular, at health, and it's especially relevant during the pandemic. Now it's more important than ever to build an infrastructure to support doctors and patients," said Minister of Community and Territorial Development Oleksii Chernyshov.

For his part, Jean-Erik de Zagon, Head of the EIB Office in Ukraine, noted that the signing of the grant agreement would be a step towards energy independence for Ukraine.

"Energy efficiency plays an important role in combating climate change, which is at the top of the EIB's list of priorities. We're pleased to see that Ukraine is taking important steps towards an energy-efficient future. Thanks to significant contributions from E5P donors, we can continue to support the energy-efficient modernization of public buildings in Ukraine. It will directly benefit the healthcare sector in Ukraine. It will benefit from the upgrade, in particular through new ventilation systems, renewable energy sources, and other countermeasures against COVID-19. Hospitals will be able to contribute to a healthy planet through energy efficiency," said Jean-Erik de Zagon.

The agreement provides for Ukraine to receive an investment grant of 1 million euros from the multilateral donor fund of the Eastern European Partnership for Energy Efficiency and Environment (E5P). The funds will be used to implement energy-saving measures in hospitals, including the installation of modern energy-efficient equipment, ventilation and lighting systems, as well as internal heating in health care facilities.

It is noted that the grant complements the previously provided framework loan from the EIB of 300 million euros, which will help increase the energy efficiency of about 1,000 public buildings. The project will extend the life of key social, medical, cultural, and administrative buildings by at least 20 years, and will help reduce CO2 emissions by 1,250,000 tons.

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