This was reported by Yevhenia Kuleba.
"Yesterday, deputies supported a revolutionary decision for Kyiv: Regulations on public consultations when planning public spaces in Kyiv ❤️🌿 🦄 The regulation stipulates that government officials must hold public consultations on the creation, reconstruction or improvement of public spaces according to a certain procedure," the statement reads.
Kyiv residents, community associations can initiate public consultations by forming an initiative group (a written request must be submitted to the mayor).
A register will be maintained, which will record the results of consideration of proposals received during public consultations.
The results and the report on the proposal consideration will be published on the web portal of the territorial community of the city.
There is also a procedure for creating working groups if there are many proposals.
High-quality public spaces will be created in the interests of the people.
The needs of each and everyone will be taken into account.
Conditions are being created for activating the community and involving residents in the implementation of projects together with government officials.
The creative potential of Kyiv residents will be used.
And also, it will help avoid negativity among residents, if not everyone likes what is done.
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