According to an Ukrinform correspondent, he said this on Savik Shuster's Freedom of Speech program.
"Today, the Ministry of Defense faces very important challenges, but the main goal is to implement the provisions of the Constitution on our relentless movement towards NATO, and as a result, joining the Alliance," Reznikov said.
He noted that Ukraine will join NATO sooner or later, but the country must be ready for this and meet all NATO standards as soon as possible. After all, NATO is not only a military alliance, but an alliance of countries with a high level of democratic institutions, he said.
Reznikov believes that the Ministry of Defense is a civilian entity that exercises democratic control over the Armed Forces, which in turn defend the state and repel the enemy. The ministry must ensure the implementation of the plans and tasks of the Armed Forces, from resolving the issues of procurement, financial support, armaments, to the issues of military diplomacy.
Reznikov also believes that Ukraine should not limit itself to issues of cooperation with NATO, but build various alliances. In particular, the danger posed by Russia in the Black Sea encourages Ukraine to work closely with Romania, Georgia, Moldova, and Bulgaria. It is also necessary to actively cooperate with Eastern European countries and to fill with content a framework agreement that President Volodymyr Zelensky signed in Washington, he said.
Earlier reports said that the Verkhovna Rada appointed Reznikov as Ukraine's defense minister on November 4. A total of 273 MPs voted for such a decision.
Since March 2020, Reznikov had served as Ukraine's deputy prime minister and minister for the reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.
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