It is known from the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the EP reports.
271 people's deputies supported the appeal.
Thus, the Rada addressed the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26) in support of global climate change goals.
In the text, the parliamentarians reaffirm their intention to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, namely to curb the growth of the average global temperature at a level well below 2 °C and to make efforts to limit it to 1.5 °C.
In addition, Ukraine insists that in preparing official documents with the information provided by Russia, the parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change strictly adhere to the provisions of UN General Assembly resolutions on the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the human rights situation in Crimea and Sevastopol, Ukraine.
Deputies express their intention to create and update legislation as soon as possible to introduce a hierarchy of waste management, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, "green" transformation of industry, and more.
The deputies also announced their intention to introduce a Ukrainian system of greenhouse gas emission allowance trading, to reform greenhouse gas emission taxation systems, and to create a Ukrainian Climate Fund, to reform environmental control.
The appeal contains a number of recommendations of the Cabinet of Ministers. In particular, preparing a plan for the implementation of the renewed nationally determined contribution to the Paris Agreement, approving the strategy of decarbonization of Ukraine and the terms of its implementation, etc.
Namely, the government was recommended to prepare a plan for the implementation of Nationally Determined Contribution in energy, industry, construction, transport, agriculture and forestry, and waste management.
In addition, the Rada asks the Cabinet of Ministers to approve the strategy for the decarbonization of Ukraine and the terms of its implementation, to prepare a plan for a fair green transformation and reduction of methane emissions. It is also about the reform of forest management, in particular, the approval of the State Strategy of Forest Management of Ukraine until 2035.
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