The relevant decision was made at a government meeting on October 28, Espreso.TV reports.
The Cabinet of Ministers has approved a resolution providing for establishing the operation of the state institution "School of Superheroes."
The procedure for electing the director on a competitive basis, as well as the terms of remuneration and salary schemes, have also been approved.
The explanatory note states that the current model, in which educational services in hospitals are provided to children by teachers from regular schools, doesn't take into account the specifics of such an educational process.
It is noted that most of these children don't receive educational services in full, and some get it at the expense of volunteers, which doesn't ensure the system and continuity of this process.
Therefore, a new model called "School of Superheroes" will be introduced to provide educational services to children who are in hospital or who are receiving rehabilitation care in hospitals.
It is noted that we are talking about children who have cancer, AIDS, who require constant hemodialysis, are waiting for surgery, are in burn centers and psychiatric hospitals.
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