
Kherson airport runway being reconstructed: photo

During a working trip to the Kherson region, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine (OPU), Kyrylo Tymoshenko, got acquainted with the course of the runway reconstruction at the Kherson International Airport.

It is carried out within the National Program "Big Construction," initiated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, OPU reports.

"Kherson Airport is one of the first to be reconstructed under the President's program 'Big Construction' within the development of regional airports," said Kyrylo Tymoshenko.

Photo: OPU

According to him, the reconstruction of several other regional runways in Ukraine is also underway.

"We see from the example of Kherson: when 'Big Construction' starts, speed and quality appear. Only a month ago, contractors came to work here, and at the end of this year the runway will be ready, and next year, in the new summer season, the airport will start accepting flights of another class and increase passenger traffic. People can come here both for tourism and business. For us, this is an example of how to rebuild the country and increase passenger traffic across the country," Kyrylo Tymoshenko stressed.

Photo: OPU

The runway of Kherson Airport has been in operation for over 35 years and hasn't been overhauled during this time. This has negatively affected the safety and regularity of flights, which hinders the development of air traffic.

Construction work began in September 2021. Today, the sections of the existing strip have been completely dismantled at the airport, a leveling layer of asphalt concrete has been laid, and work is underway to arrange a sand base for the new part of the strip.

Photo: OPU

After the reconstruction, the length of the runway will increase, and Kherson Airport will be able to accept Boeing 737-800/900 and Airbus A321 aircraft.

The construction of light and navigation systems is also underway at the airport.

Photo: OPU

Vitalii Kucheruk, Director of Kherson International Airport, reported to the Deputy Head of the President's Office about the airport's development program. In particular, according to him, it is planned to reconstruct the airport complex and build new passenger and cargo terminals.

Photo: OPU

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