The press service of the Lviv City Council reported this.
"The initiators of the transformation of the space were a team of concerned residents who developed the project and won the Safari for Communities program in Lviv in 2020. The project was launched by NGOs Plato and Tarilka in late September this year," a statement says.
Currently, volunteers are setting up a rain garden near the site where a large puddle used to form after the rain, replacing the paved interior with a waterproof surface, repainting the walls white, and planting creepers on the outside to create vertical landscaping and reduce heating.
"We want to show residents that with simple and relatively cheap nature-oriented solutions, you can simultaneously adapt the public space to long periods of heat and heavy rainfall, which become more noticeable every year, and thus make it more comfortable for users," said the CEO of Plato Mykola Riabyka.
It is noted that the work is supported by the United Nations Development Program in Ukraine, the Fund for Biodiversity Protection of Ukraine, the Foundation for Strategic Change, and the Railway District Administration.
In the future, the initiators of the space plan to install container landscaping with places for recreation in the space's interior.
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