The museum announced it on Facebook, Rubryka reports.
From 2022, after the official launch of the trading platform, it will be possible to purchase NFT versions of paintings by Oleksandr Murashko, Oleksandra Ekster, Vsevolod Maksymovych, Mykola Pymonenko, and many other Ukrainian artists.
"The modern digital age opens new opportunities, and the museum doesn't stand aside but is ready to experiment to make Ukrainian art even closer to the audience," NAMU said.
NFT (Non-fungible token) is a unique type of asset or product in digital form.
That is, an NFT token is a file that certifies the ownership of a particular product that exists exclusively on the Internet, such as a digital image or photo.
For each NFT token purchased, the museum will receive a royalty of 10% of the token value.
The NFT-collection will work on blockchain technology and will have 5 degrees of uniqueness: ordinary, rare, super rare, ultra-rare, and unique.
"The levels of uniqueness will differ in the animation elements in each work.
In other words, the famous NAMU canvases will come to life on the screens of your gadgets, which will be a completely new experience," the message reads.
The collection of the National Art Museum of Ukraine will become even more available online, NAMU promises.
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