The Ukrainian project was a success at the world-famous Dutch Design Week

The Ukrainian project Endless Movement took part in the world-famous Dutch Design Week, the most important event in design in Northern Europe, which is the world's most progressive laboratory of modern design.

Endless Movement is a collection of kinetic sculptures Endless Movement from the "Smith & Winken" bureau-laboratory, Ukrinform reports.

"I see that people are delighted. International journalists are enthusiastic about our project. So we are fulfilling the task we set for ourselves. We wanted to combine the experience of science, art, design, layers of world culture, and create something new. We wanted to make this product appealing to children, adults, and professionals alike. Today, Smith & Winken's Endless Movement collection includes 20 items. Only six items are presented at the exhibition. Visitors enjoy watching the movement of objects, which can sometimes be hypnotic. These objects make you stop and think, in particular, about life. Each of us is a well-calculated mechanism. We just need to look at how, for example, birds fly, the flutter of their wings, feel it, and get inspired," said Ukrainian designer Valerii Kuznetsov.

He also noted that after the wild success of the Ukrainian project, a contract had already been signed with the gallery, where the Dutch Design Week was held.

"Of course, it works not only during Design Week. So it's not only participation in Dutch Design Week but also the highest bar. So until January 2022, our work can be seen at the Kazerne Gallery in Eindhoven after the Dutch Design Week. And we've already received proposals for collaboration with very well-known design studios, real stars. The details are still a secret," Kuznetsov shared.

Every year, Dutch Design Week, which focuses on innovation and fresh unusual ideas. More than 350,000 connoisseurs of the beautiful and unusual visit the event.

This year's event lasted from 16 to 24 October in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. There were more than a hundred locations throughout the city, where presentations, lectures, and exhibitions took place. The event featured works by more than 2,600 designers from around the world. Among them is a Ukrainian project.

Smith & Winken Studio was founded in 2020 in Dnipro.

A Ukrainian designer, author of objects and installations Valerii Kuznetsov, and Austrian inventor, architect, and mechanic of Ukrainian origin Otto Winken created it. Six objects from Smith & Winken were presented in Eindhoven.

There are 20 objects in the collection. The works caused stormy emotions and applause from visitors, and foreign media have already defined a new style of this project, which is different from others in the total digital age, the mechanical renaissance.

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