"LEGO Ideas Home Alone set is based on a design submitted to the LEGO Ideas platform by 28-year-old Alex Storozhuk from Ukraine. At an impressive 3,955 pieces, it is also the largest set created from a LEGO Ideas concept," LEGO Group informs.
Home Alone set captures the grand McCallister family home and is packed with features that tell the story of Kevin's holiday antics. As well as the exterior, the interior layout is true to the movie and includes the ground and first floor, kitchen, basement and attic.
Every room is packed with details from the movie, such as the after-shave lotion from "The Scream" bathroom scene, Buzz's pet tarantula, the robbers' van, the paint cans used to knock them down, and the treehouse with zipline. Other features include the fireplace, Christmas tree, a toy train, grandfather clock, dining table and record player.
In addition, the set comes complete with minifigures of Kevin, robbers Harry and Marv, the old man Marley, and Kevin's mum Kate.
"Just like every 90s kid, I grew up watching Home Alone and it takes a very special place in my heart. I can't even imagine holidays without it. This movie is very nostalgic and makes those warm childhood memories come up every time," Storozhuk commented.
Photo credit: lego.com
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