Ukrinform announced this, Rubryka reports.
"Our students are introducing visitors at the exhibition to an extremely interesting area, growing microgreens. Their research work 'Microgreens is energy inherent in nature' reveals the original method of growing microgreens, as well as gives recommendations on crops that are suitable for this innovative business," said Ivan Herts, director of the Ternopil Regional Center for Ecological and Naturalistic Creativity of Student Youth.
Photo: Ternopil Regional Center for Ecological and Naturalistic Creativity of Student Youth
According to him, growing miniature greens in specially created conditions, students were convinced that it can actively grow without the use of any fertilizers and stimulants. Its sprouts contain increased amounts of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
The use of such microgreens saturates the human body with vitamins, provides a supply of energy, helps cleanse the body.
He also noted that the method of growing microgreens tested in Ternopil could be effectively used in the culinary business.
On October 18-21, 2021, the All-Ukrainian Exhibition of Young Naturalists' Achievements will take place based at the National Ecological and Naturalistic Center for Student Youth of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Kyiv).
Its purpose is to involve student youth in agrobiological research, practical environmental work, exchange of work experience.
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