Photo OPU
Ukraine's Ambassador to the United Kingdom Vadym Prystaiko said this in an interview with the Dom television channel.
"We expect a high-level delegation led by the president of Ukraine to visit the United Kingdom at the end of October," he said.
A strategic dialogue meeting is also planned as part of the implementation of annual agreements. "I hope that the foreign ministers of Ukraine and Britain will be able to see in a month what has been done in a year and focus on the future," Prystaiko added.
He also noted that such visits take place constantly. "Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration [Oleksii Reznikov] has recently [visited Britain] as he is interested in the experience of the United Kingdom on how to reintegrate the territories. We are especially interested in what was happening in Northern Ireland, how hatred and terrorism turned into a political process and now everything has settled down more or less," he said.
Prystaiko also said that half of the funds from a GBP 2.5 billion loan, which the United Kingdom provides to Ukraine, will be used to strengthen the Ukrainian fleet.
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