
Ukraine, Estonia prime ministers talk cooperation in digitalization, cybersecurity

As part of a working visit to Sweden on October 13, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal met with his Estonian counterpart Kaja Kallas.

That's according to the Cabinet Communications Department.

"Digitalization and e-governance are a priority in our cooperation. Estonia's achievements in this area are recognized all over the world, being a roadmap for Ukraine. I'd like to express sincere gratitude to the Estonian side for assistance in implementing the "State in a Smartphone" project, said Shmyhal.

Ukraine's PM stressed that the country seeks to intensify Ukrainian-Estonian cooperation, including as regards the use of transit, logistics, and industrial potential, as well as partnership in cybersecurity and digital economy.

Shmyhal expressed gratitude to Estonia for their strong support of Ukraine in obtaining membership in the Tallinn-based NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence (CCDCOE).

The head of the Ukrainian government also stressed the need to strengthen cooperation in the energy sector.

"Development of renewables, as well as strengthening energy security, are key issues on the Ukrainian Government agenda today. We have completed the entire technical part toward connecting the Ukrainian power system to ENTSO-E. This will mark an important step towards Ukraine's energy independence," the prime minister noted.

In addition, Denys Shmyhal said the latest signing of the Common Aviation Area deal with the EU should offer an incentive for the development of transit and tourism potential between Ukraine and Estonia.

The prime minister of Ukraine thanked the Government of Estonia for COVID-19 vaccine supplies, including to the Ukrainian military.

Shmyhal also expressed gratitude for the comprehensive humanitarian, financial, and technical assistance provided, inter alia on the path of reform implementation.

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