Zelenskyy signs a law on farms: what will change

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Stimulation of Farming Activities" № 1788-IX, which was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on September 24, 2021.
The Office of the President reported this.
According to the explanatory note, farms and private farms together produce about 50% of the gross agricultural output.
The law, signed by the President, clarifies the composition of farmland and determines the range of recipients of state support.
According to the document, in the first three years after its establishment, farms are provided with assistance from the state budget, in particular through the Ukrainian State Fund for Support of Farms. Assistance can also be provided from local budgets.
Newly created farmsteads, family farms, farms located in mountain settlements, in Polissia territories, determined under the established procedure by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, can count on such assistance.
According to the law, the Cabinet of Ministers must annually provide funds in the draft state budget of Ukraine to support farms. Local executive bodies and local self-government bodies may annually provide funds in local budget projects to support such farms.
Farmers with the status of family farms are also provided with additional state support, in particular for the payment of a single contribution to the obligatory state social insurance. The farm, which is headed by a person under the age of 35 including, is provided with financial assistance from the state budget.