The first projected pedestrian crossing in Ukraine tested in Vinnytsia: photo

Vinnytsia is testing the country's first projected pedestrian crossing, installed on a street with heavy traffic.

The Department of Mass Media and Public Relations of Vinnytsia City Council reported this.

"In Vinnytsia, a projected pedestrian crossing was installed on Mahistratska Street near one of the entrances to Central Park, where there's heavy traffic. The innovation is designed to increase traffic safety," the statement said.

It is noted that the light projection additionally duplicates the footpath applied by the paint at the crossing. Therefore, the marking becomes brighter and more noticeable during bad weather or dark time of day; it is visible for 150 m.

The backlight turns on when a pedestrian approaches thanks to motion detectors. The image is "applied" to the existing footpath using two LED projectors with a power of 200 watts, which allows you to illuminate 4 lanes.

These projectors are installed on the crossing lighting racks. There are also two pedestrian motion sensors. The operation of the equipment is synchronized with the street lighting.

According to the mayor of Vinnytsia Serhii Morhunov, if the technology of projected crossing proves well, it will be used in other parts of the street network of Vinnytsia.

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