Ukrainian woman becomes the director of one of the leading theaters in Italy

The world-famous Ukrainian conductor Oksana Lyniv became the music director of the Italian Teatro Comunale Bologna, where Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, Verdi and Wagner premiered their works in different centuries.

She announced it on Facebook, Rubryka reports.

"Once again, I have the honor and responsibility to become the first woman in Italy to be invited to become the musical director of one of the most important state theaters, in a country where classical music has an extraordinary history that is felt in every corner and is an integral part of national culture," said Lyniv.

According to her, the Municipal Theater of Bologna once opened in 1763 with the premiere of the opera by Willibald Gluck in the presence of the composer.

Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, and Verdi staged world premieres of their works in different centuries, and Wagner not only caused a sensation with the Italian first performances of his works, but also became an honorary citizen of the city during his lifetime. Enrico Caruso made his debut on the stage of this theater in 1901, and one of the famous conductors was the legendary Arturo Toscanini.

For the last 50 years, the list of musical directors of the theater includes such world-famous names as Sergio Celibidake, Riccardo Chailly, Daniel Gatti.


Oksana Lyniv is a Ukrainian conductor, born in the Lviv region. Founder and artistic director of the LvivMozArt festival, founder and chief conductor of the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine/YsOU.

In July this year, she became the first conductor at the Bayreuth Festival in Germany.

During the official events dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy awarded the conductor the Order of Princess Olga of the III degree.

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