"The European Film Academy is the most famous and influential organization that embraces filmmakers across Europe. I am very grateful to them, and especially to EFA President Agnieszka Holland, for the support they gave me during my imprisonment. They twice offered me to become a member of this organization: when I was still behind bars and once I got out of there," Sentsov posted on Facebook.
According to Sentsov, he refused because he did not consider himself worthy of it, having "only one small movie."
"After my second picture had been premiered at the Venice [Film Festival], and I had established myself as a director, not as a political prisoner, I agreed to join the Academy. There were some bureaucratic procedures, and now I received a message that I am already a member of the European Film Academy," Sentsov said.
As reported, Sentsov's Rhino was screened at the Venice Film Festival in September.
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