People’s Deputies call on European partners to recognize the prospects of Ukraine’s membership in the EU

The Verkhovna Rada calls on European partners to recognize the prospect of Ukraine's membership in the European Union.

The corresponding resolution "On the Statement of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 'On Priority Issues of Ukraine's Integration into the EU'"(№6132) was supported by 304 people's deputies, Ukrinform reports.

"The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine … calls for the recognition of the prospect of Ukraine's membership in the EU under Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union," the statement said.

According to the document, the Ukrainian parliament confirms Ukraine's strategic course towards Ukraine's full membership in the European Union, enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine.

The statement called on the European Parliament to consider the plenary session immediately and take steps to ban the Nord Stream-2 project as contrary to the EU's Third Energy Package, the principles of the Energy Community, and the risks to Europe's energy security.

The Verkhovna Rada recalls the threats to the energy and geopolitical security of Central and Eastern Europe posed by the Nord Stream-2 project and calls on the EU, its institutions, and the Member States to consider the risks of its operation and take all possible measures to prevent the use of energy resources as weapons.

The Ukrainian people's deputies call on the European Parliament and the parliaments of the member states to take additional measures for further sectoral cooperation and support to Ukraine in implementing the principles of the European Green Course in Ukraine, as well as coordinating the parties considering Ukraine's updated National Contribution to the Paris Agreement.

Parliamentarians believe that access to financial resources within the European Green Course should be a catalyst for reducing the gap in economic development between Ukraine and EU Member States and call on the European Commission to actively cooperate with the Government of Ukraine in implementing the economic and investment plan for the Eastern Partnership, and joint coordination of international investments in the green transformation of Ukraine.

Ukrainian parliamentarians commend the European Union's and its member states' continued support for Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty in the face of Russian aggression and say it is important to maintain and strengthen sanctions against Russia through the attempted annexation of Crimea and the temporary occupation of Donbas.

The Verkhovna Rada calls for the strengthening of sanctions against the Russian Federation in connection with the illegal issuance of passports by Russia to Ukrainian citizens and the forced involvement of Ukrainian citizens in the elections in the Russian Federation.

In the approved statement, the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada express their gratitude to the representatives of the European Union institutions for participating in the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence and the inaugural Summit of the Crimean Platform, as well as for supporting Ukraine's access to safe and effective vaccines from COVID-19 and readiness for further cooperation in overcoming the pandemic.

As reported, this year's EU-Ukraine Summit will take place on October 12 in Kyiv.

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