This was reported by the Ministry of Health.
"At the beginning of October, more than 2 million Ukrainians were vaccinated with CoronaVac. Currently, the country has about 6 million doses of this vaccine. It is available in mass vaccination centers, vaccination points, mobile teams vaccinate with it," the statement said.
The Ministry of Health notes that the CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine, developed by the Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech, is an inactivated vaccine that contains an inactive, "killed" virus. The body responds to it and produces immunity.
CoronaVac is approved by the WHO for emergency use and is used in 40 countries, such as China, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, and more.
According to a Chilean study conducted in February-April 2021, the effectiveness of Coronavac/Sinovac is 65.9% in preventing COVID-19 (Alpha and Gamma strains), 87.5% in hospitalization, and 86.3% in the prevention of death from covid.
In addition, the vaccine has been shown to be effective in preventing hospitalization and death from disease caused by the Delta strain. Studies in Chinese people aged 18-59 found that two doses of the vaccine were 59% effective against symptomatic COVID-19, 70.2% against moderate disease, and 100% against severe cases.
A study of 43.8 thousand people over the age of 70 in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo showed that the effectiveness of Coronavac/Sinovac against symptomatic disease caused by the strain "Gamma" was 46.8%, the effectiveness in preventing hospitalization was 55.5%, 61.2%, against death. For the age group 70-74 years, the effectiveness against the symptomatic disease was 59%, against hospitalization, 77.6%, and against death, 83.9%. The older the subjects, the lower the efficacy.
The Ministry of Health emphasizes that vaccination with the CoronaVac vaccine allows traveling to 50 countries around the world, including Austria, Spain, Greece, Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, and more.
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