People’s deputies dismiss Razumkov

People's Deputies dismissed Verkhovna Rada Speaker Razumkov.

Rubryka reports.

284 people's deputies supported the corresponding decision.

It should be noted that 215 people's deputies from the "Servant of the People" faction supported the decision, 7 opposed, 4 abstained, 11 people's deputies were absent. From the "OPZZH" faction, 23 people's deputies opposed, 12 didn't vote, 9 more were absent. From the Batkivshchyna faction, the decision was supported by 20 people's deputies, 1 opposed, 4 were absent.

The For the Future faction gave 19 votes in favor, and 3 people's deputies were absent. The "Dovira" faction gave 18 votes "for," 1 people's deputy abstained, 1 more didn't vote. From the "Voice" faction, 6 people's deputies spoke for, 8 were against, 3 didn't vote, 3 were absent.

Among non-partisan, 6 people's deputies voted "for," 8 were against, one abstained, one didn't vote, 4 were absent. The entire European Solidary faction opposed.

Opposition parties thanked Razumkov for his work, for trying to listen to all factions, and for failing to "overthrow parliamentarism."

Representatives of the OPZZH and European solidarity expressed confidence that they would see Razumkov as an independent politician in the next convocation of the parliament, in contrast to the representatives of the Servant of the People party.

And the people's deputy Viktoria Sumar declared that some speakers who were removed from office then became presidents.

Politicians added that Razumkov wouldn't receive gratitude from the "Servant of the People" party. The session hall of the parliament became noticeably thinner when the former chairperson of the parliament began to be asked questions in the hall.

Representatives of the "Voice" faction noted that the "servants" should thank Razumkov for his work, and not shyly hide their eyes. Serhii Rakhmanin said that tomorrow anyone in power could be overboard and become "food."

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