Two unique ENT operations performed in Lviv Okhmatdyt hospital

At the Lviv Regional Children's Hospital "Okhmatdyt" together with Polish professors, doctors performed two unique ENT surgeries for Ukraine: they endoscopically removed the scar on the larynx of a girl and performed myringoplasty of the eardrum of a boy without incisions.

The hospital's press service announced this on Facebook, Rubryka reports.

"We didn't advertise the professors from the top 5 ENT clinics in the world, arriving from Poland, but simply took and did it. The day before, we organized children with hard cases and went to the operating room with the lights to help children with the latest medical science. Patient 1, large laryngeal scar, the first endoscopic operation in Ukraine by a unique technique, and 2 hours later the girl danced! Patient 2, a boy, 7 years old, eardrum defect after previous interventions, endoscopic myringoplasty for the first time in Western Ukraine, now the child can swim," the message stated.

Doctors say that a 12-year-old girl from Kyiv had a 70% laryngeal stenosis. The child was suffocating, it was difficult for her to dance and do simple things. The girl has already undergone 4 surgeries to remove scars and papillomas.

Another scar dissection intervention would provide relief for only a week. Therefore, surgeons removed the large scar of the larynx endoscopically (without incisions) and installed a temporary strut so that the larynx no longer narrowed.

"The girl will be fine, she is recovering well and will forget about breathing problems and frequent operations," the hospital added.

The boy had problems with his ear, hearing loss. Doctors forbade him to swim to avoid getting water in his ears because he often had purulent otitis, the eardrum was perforated.

To help the child, ENT surgeons performed endoscopic myringoplasty (again without any incisions).

"The healing process is long, but the child hopes to forget about the problem with the ear," say experts.

Lviv surgeons were assisted and trained during the operations by professors from Poland, namely Yaroslav Shydlovsky, Józef Meżwinski, and Wojciech Domka.

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