Investigation into attack on Shefir: More than ten versions being considered, but two remain the main

Law enforcer officers are considering more than ten versions of the assassination attempt on Serhiy Shefir, the first aide to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, but two versions remain the main ones.

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Iryna Venediktova said at a briefing at the media center of the Servant of the People parliamentary faction at Rixos-Prykarpattya Hotel in Truskavets, Lviv region, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.

"As for the versions, they were voiced immediately. When I gave the first comments, I said very carefully that there are two main versions, but we do not reject and consider other ones. We have more than ten versions that we are working on. We do not reject them… The investigation is ongoing," Venediktova said.

At the same time, Venediktova did not give any more details.

As Ukrinform reported, on September 22, Serhiy Sharif's car was fired in the village of Lisnyky, Kyiv region. The driver was wounded.

According to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, a total of 18 bullets hit the car.

Criminal proceedings have been instituted over the shelling of Shefir's car.

On October 2, Ukrainian Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova attended the meeting of the Servant of the People parliamentary faction in Truskavets.

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