
Ukraine opens pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai

Ukraine Pavilion opened at Expo 2020 Dubai, which is the largest exhibition event and brings together more than 190 countries, international organizations, and the world's largest innovation campaigns.

"For the first time, Ukraine has built its own pavilion to participate in the World Expo, which is the largest exhibition event of its kind, to find ways to communicate, cooperate and create new partnerships, develop innovations and new ideas to create a better future," said Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Mykhailo Lev at the grand opening of the Pavilion at Expo 2020, the Embassy of Ukraine in the UAE informs.

Ukraine Pavilion has the shape of a spikelet of wheat. Its emblem is nine yellow and blue dots which symbolize Pavilion's theme Smart Ukraine: Connecting Dots.

The opening ceremony was attended by Undersecretary of the UAE Ministry of Economy Abdullah Al Saleh.

"We have excellent relations with Ukraine. We observe positive dynamics of development and the spheres of innovations presented in your Pavilion are one of our priorities," he said.

Ukraine Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai is a single space divided into three thematic groups: smart life, smart thinking, smart feelings. Each of the groups reveals the possibilities of rational, technological, and ecological existence through the prism of technologies and tools available today to the majority of the world's population. The interiors of the Pavilion reflect the uniqueness and originality of the Ukrainian people, our culture through the prism of modern technologies. The main emphasis is laid on innovations that make life environmentally friendly, energy efficient, and rational. Ukraine Pavilion visitors seem to find themselves in a "field" created from real ears of wheat, "nano-wheat", and digital wheat. This solution symbolically demonstrates Ukraine's movement into the future in harmony with nature and technological progress.

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