This was announced on Facebook, Rubryka reports.
It is noted that the art installation consists of 16 parts-triangles made of PP5-marked containers, i.e. all these are "reincarnated" cups from under dairy products and containers for storage of things.
In total, about 24 kg of secondary raw materials were used for installation.
"This is an installation-puzzle, installation-myth buster: in just 3-5 minutes, reading the text in numbers, you will get an idea of what is going on in the 'garbage' field. We created it with a team of similar creative desperate, like us, Merman Art.
It was they who won the grant to create an installation for the Burning Man Project 2022. Remember their wooden man who 'sailed' near the Arch of Friendship of Peoples and then near UNIT.City? Thanks to the Merman Art team, it's just a perfect partner match, when the idea is realized in the shortest possible time!" said the organization.
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