"School Beehive" is an apiary of six beehives in the Kalyta united territorial community. The project is implemented at the school thanks to a grant received by the NGO "Our Steps" within the project, "Establishment of social school enterprises in rural areas and small towns of Ukraine to encourage young people to social entrepreneurship."
After a long study of the theory, preparatory work on landscaping, sewing protective suits, making hives, and purchasing other necessary accessories for beekeeping, the team of the "School Beehive" social school-enterprise based on Zavorychi educational complex finally met its new wards. They are playful bee families of the Carpathian breed, which are popular among beekeepers from different parts of Ukraine.
The students plan to use the proceeds from the sale of honey products to support their school self-government and help the Nadiia orphanage, which is located on the territory of the Kalyta united territorial community.
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