The first rubber board for separating a bicycle lane appears in Ukraine: photo

In Kyiv, for the first time in Ukraine, a rubber board was installed on Reitarska Street for the safety and convenience of cyclists to separate the bicycle lane from the parking zone of vehicles.

This was announced by Deputy Chairperson of the Kyiv City State Administration Oleksandr Hustieliev, Rubryka reports.

"The major advantage of constructively separating the bicycle lane is the creation of safe conditions for cyclists and the impossibility for vehicles parking on bicycle lanes, which is more than relevant for Kyiv," said Oleksandr Hustieliev.

According to the deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration, such structures are widely used in various European cities, in particular, in Paris, Berlin, and London. And now the first step in this direction has been taken in the capital.

Oleksandr Hustieliev pointed out that the road rubber board was specially developed by a Ukrainian manufacturer in cooperation with the Cycling Network Sector of the Transport Infrastructure Department of the Kyiv City State Administration.

Among its advantages:

  • 12-cm height, which makes it impossible for vehicles to park;
  • one sloping side to avoid sticking to the bicycle pedal;
  • reflective elements to ensure visibility at night.

"Another important thing is the proposals of the Sector of the organization of the bicycle network on structurally separated bicycle lanes, amended by the building regulations B.2.3-5: 2018 'Streets and roads of settlements,' which are currently being prepared for implementation," said the Deputy Head of the Kyiv City State Administration.

He said that there were positive changes on other streets of the capital.

Thus, the cycling infrastructure appeared on Popudrenko Street, Pratsi Boulevard, Yuriia Popravka Street, and Brovarskyi Avenue. Thus, part of the complex network of transport bicycle routes to metro stations has been implemented in the Darnytsia residential area.

"On Popudrenko Street, there are bicycle lanes and joint movement of bicycles and cars. They are joined by side and oncoming bicycle lanes on Pratsi Boulevard. A new bicycle lane on Yuriia Popravka Street runs between Yuriia Haharina Avenue and Chervonotkatska Street. Moreover, on Brovarskyi Avenue from Naberezhne Highway to the left-bank exit from Rusanivskyi Bridge, a two-way bicycle path was built, which is part of the future Voskresenka-Center main bicycle route," Oleksandr Hustieliev said.

The bicycle network of Pechersk has expanded.

"On Ivan Mazepa, Tsytadelna, and Leiptsizka streets, bicycle infrastructure has also been arranged. And at the intersection of the last two, there are bicycle waiting areas for left turns. Soon these streets will be combined into a single bicycle network," said Oleksandr Hustieliev.

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