The Ternopil city council announced it, Rubryka reports.
It is noted that electric cars will facilitate more efficient and prompt inspection of city parks and the coastal line to identify violators of the Rules of the Landscaping of the Ternopil community or environmental legislation.
"These electric cars are designed so that employees of the municipal inspection have the opportunity to quickly go around all city parks, the embankment of the Ternopil pond, where necessary. Electric cars are not designed to detain or transport violators, only to move inspectors. They are light, safe for the environment, and can travel more than 100 kilometers at a maximum speed of 45 km/h. Thank you to the representatives of 'Korsal' for the donated cars," said the city mayor Serhii Nadal.
According to the head of the municipal inspection Ihor Maksimov, these electric cars will help to work efficiently and quickly, make decisions or draw up administrative protocols for violators, regardless of weather conditions.
It is noted that the primary task of the Ternopil Municipal Inspectorate is to cooperate with the National Police and other law enforcement and control structures on the prevention of law and order violations in the Ternopil city's territorial community.
The department takes measures to protect parks, water bodies of the Ternopil community, landscaping facilities, and public property.
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