The decision was made based on the Kurultay Act of the Crimean Tatar people in 1991-1993.
The alphabet of the Crimean Tatar language based on Latin graphics consists of 31 letters.
It was developed in consultation with the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people by specialists of the Ahatanhel Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies, Oleksandr Potebnia Institute of Linguistics, Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, and Volodymyr Vernadskyi Tavria National University.
Gradual translation into Latin will take place until September 1, 2025.
By this time, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Reintegration must translate the educational process carried out in the Crimean Tatar language, including textbooks and manuals, into Latin.
The task is also to stimulate the use of the Crimean Tatar language based on Latin graphics in other spheres of life.
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