A capsule for a waste recycling plant construction has been laid in Zhytomyr: it will be the first one in Ukraine

In Zhytomyr, on September 20, a capsule was laid for the construction of the first plant for deep processing of solid waste in Ukraine.

The Zhytomyr City Council reports.

It is noted that the plant will process 85 thousand tons of garbage a year, create more than 200 jobs and attract millions of investments.

"This facility is very important for Zhytomyr in many respects, first, for the environment. There are almost no countries left in Europe where we wouldn't recycle garbage. And in Ukraine we will be the first," said Zhytomyr Mayor Serhii Sukhomlyn.

The design capacity of the plant includes a composting plant (fertilizer production), a line for sorting by fractions (glass, plastic, etc.), processing of twigs and other types of oversized waste, production of RDF fuel.

"In addition to the environmental aspect, we have a strategy to completely move away from gas in a few years. The construction of four thermal power plants, which are planned in Zhytomyr, will cover 70% of heat and power needs. We still have 30%: 35-38 tons of RDF, which will be produced at this plant, is just the equivalent of about 18 million cubic meters of gas," Serhii Sukhomlyn added.

The mayor also noted that the plant's capacity would be enough to recycle garbage from neighboring communities. However, the company will not be able to conclude agreements independently, the permit will be issued by the executive committee. The Croatian company, which supplies equipment for the Zhytomyr waste processing plant, has already built 60 such plants in Europe.

"After the full launch of the plant, the load on the landfill will be reduced by at least six times," said Serhii Sukhomlyn.

Back story

On July 26, 2018, during the session of the city council, LLC "MS Social Project" received permission to develop a land management project for the allocation of 5 hectares of land on Skladskyi Lane, 20.

On November 8, 2018, deputies of the city council leased this land plot to the company for 20 years.

In April 2018, the mayor of Zhytomyr, city council deputies, and representatives of suburban communities traveled to Slovenia to see how waste recycling plants operate there.

The mayor's office emphasizes that this will be the first plant in Ukraine, the technology of which doesn't involve incineration, but waste recycling.

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