"The enemy fired 120mm mortars banned under the Minsk agreements near Pisky (11km north-west of Donetsk); under-barrel grenade launchers and small arms – outside Katerynivka (64km west of Luhansk); two attacks using grenade launchers of different systems, heavy machine guns, and small arms were launched towards Pavlopil (25km north-west of Mariupol). In the area of Zaitseve (62km north-east of Donetsk), occupiers opened fire from grenade launchers of different systems and delivered POM-2 anti-personnel mines," the press center of the JFO Headquarters informed.
In Luhansk region, an enemy Orlan-10 UAV was spotted flying over the contact line.
Two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in the shelling.
Ukrainian defenders opened fire in response to the attacks.
The Ukrainian side of the JCCC informed the OSCE Mission about all the violations by the Russian-occupation forces through the established coordination mechanism.
As of 07:00, September 18, no ceasefire violations were reported.
"Ukrainian soldiers control the situation in the Joint Forces Operation area to repel and deter the armed aggression of the Russian Federation," the JFO Headquarters stressed.
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