The tasting competition from Favorite Food & Drinks will be held on October 5-6, 2021 in Kyiv. This is the only international tasting competition in Ukraine, aimed at detecting high-quality food and soft drinks by professionals according to organoleptic characteristics (i.e. through control by human senses), "blindly."
"The range of modern food and beverages often impresses and confuses not only end users, but sometimes professionals with its diversity. New technologies, ingredients, and as a result, new product categories and their range.
To make it easier for retailers to choose which manufacturers to select and which products to put on the shelf in the store, and buyers, what to put in the consumer basket, you should pay attention to additional markers, tasting competitions," the organizers of Favorite Food & Drinks commented.
The members of the professional tasting commission are formed of specialists of food and processing enterprises, retailers, chefs, industry institutes: Ukrmetrteststandart, NOVUS retail chains, Fozzy Group, METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine, Auchan, VARUS, "Avalon" restaurant , All-Ukrainian Bakers' Association, Ukrainian Association of Functional Nutrition, Center for Preventive and Clinical Toxicology, Odesa Academy of Food Technologies, Institute of Postgraduate Education of Ukrainian State University of Food Technologies, Belkozin Ukraine, Culinary MHP, Vova HoReCa, Alma-Veko Food and others.
For food and beverage producers, the value of such participation will be revealed in many aspects and in different areas of activity.
For technologists, it will mean:
For marketers:
For dealers:
For owners and managers:
In addition to the winners, retailers, restaurateurs, food bloggers and the media are invited to the ceremony.
The general results of the contestants will be published on the social media of Favorite Food & Drinks: Facebook, Instagram, as well as on the resources of partners, media partners and distributed among retailers and businesses HoReCa.
The date of the tasting competition is October 5-6, 2021, Kyiv
Solemn awarding ceremony of the winners is October 18, 2021, Kyiv
Winners of Favorite Food & Drinks 2021 (winter) are leaders in their categories: Ovostar, Yarych KF, Yuvileinyi Meat-packing Plant, Yatran, Biscotti, Kupianskyi milk canning plant, ACC, Makvar, Onur dairy products, Reneva, Galafruit, Gulfstream, Ikrianyky, Volnat beer, LiqBerry, Kalush bakery complex, Karapyshiv sausages and others.
To take part in the tasting competition, producers need to
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