"Here, the issue needs to be worked out in more detail. Not to accidentally create any zones of turbulence, the support of Ukraine, which exists at the level of the European Union, the United States, has been preserved. Because we know that sanctions are tied to Minsk. I talked about this with colleagues who take part in Minsk and Normandy formats," Razumkov said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
The government plans to consider the government draft in the fall. The document is currently being considered by the Committee on Human Rights, De-occupation, and Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories.
"It hasn't yet been offered for consideration in the hall. There are various rules, including those that will need to be discussed further. But when that happens, I'm not ready to answer now," the speaker added.
Razumkov also considers Minsk to be an unalterable way to a peaceful settlement in eastern Ukraine.
"It's widely criticized, and I can do it too. You can tell for an hour why 'Minsk' is bad. And it will be objective. But the problem is that it is easy to criticize but so far no one succeeds in offering an alternative to it, including me. As soon as another option appears, we will sit down and discuss it, think about how to move forward," he added.
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