The Uzhhorod city council announced it, Rubryka reports.
The opening of the skate playground in Uzhgorod took place on Saturday, September 11, during the celebration of City Day. Construction initiators are Oleh Tenkach and Roman Antonov from Uzhhorod. The site was built at the expense of the city budget. It was planned to open it by the 30th anniversary of Independence, but the work took a little longer.
The newly built skate area is completely open to visitors. The size of the skating rink is 30 by 50 meters.
Here is a "fun box" with a half-pyramid, and structures for overclocking and performing tricks on skateboards or other tools for extreme sports on different sides.
Up to 10 people can comfortably ride on the skate platform at the same time.
It is noted that the plans to build a playground in Uzhhorod for skateboarding and rollerblading became known in November 2019. Then it was proposed to build it on the territory of Bozdosh Park. The project was put to the vote twice within the Budget of Public Initiatives and received the largest number of votes from Uzhhorod residents.
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