The People's Deputy from the "Servant of the People" party, Arsenii Pushkarenko, stated it from a parliamentary tribune.
"Roads aren't just asphalt, markings, and sidewalks. These are the arteries of our country. 1 hryvnia invested in road construction returns to the economy as 1,60 hryvnias. Thanks to the 'Big Construction' in Ukraine, thousands of kilometers of highways have been repaired and built, by which school buses transport children to hundreds of renovated schools, and ambulances deliver patients to two hundred new ERs across the country, equipped with modern technology. These are hundreds of new stadiums, swimming pools and sports grounds, dozens of bridges across the country," Pushkarenko stressed.
He noted that in 2020, more than 4,000 kilometers of state roads and 2,500 kilometers of local roads were repaired. 71 ERs and more than 100 sports infrastructure facilities have been reconstructed. The educational infrastructure is also being actively developed, Pushkarenko notes. In 2020, 114 schools were built, reconstructed, or overhauled.
"Also this year, almost 100 schools will be commissioned. For example, in Olevsk in the Zhytomyr region, which I take care of, a gymnasium couldn't be reconstructed for 30 years. We did it in just one year. The same applies to kindergartens. Today, the educational infrastructure is one of the priority areas of the President's 'Big Construction' program," said the deputy.
Big Construction project's plans for 2021 include the construction or reconstruction of more than 6,000 km of roads and more than 200 bridges, 74 schools, 54 kindergartens, 28 medical facilities, about a hundred sports facilities, and 1,200 sports grounds.
Quality medicine in every community of the country is another important priority of the President's program, says Arsenii Pushkarenko. This year, more than 140 reception departments and 340 outpatient clinics in rural areas will be built or reconstructed.
"Modern X-rays, tomographs, ventilators, etc. have appeared in the ERs. This is the medical equipment that a few years ago citizens had to go to either the regional center or the capital. Today, a network of support hospitals across the country covers all communities, and people can seek help from ERs near their homes, within an hour's drive. 'Big Construction' is designed to make every community feel self-sufficient," the deputy concluded.
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