The president said this at the YES Brainstorming forum "After COVID = Before catastrophe? Steps to survival."
"It seems to us that we're needed at NATO. It seems to us that without Ukraine, there will be no strong EU. I speak about it openly. I believe that without Ukraine, NATO will lose. I believe that without Ukraine, the EU will weaken a little," Zelenskyy said.
He added that Ukraine is ready to join NATO "at the level of our army, the level of our specialists, the reforms we're carrying out (although we need this, first, for our people)."
According to Zelenskyy, if NATO and the EU want "Russia to strengthen," then yes, they don't need to take Ukraine.
But if they want "the EU to remain powerful and NATO to remain a subject, then countries like Ukraine, large, territorially the largest in Europe, with a powerful population that has survived several wars," must be in these alliances.
"If you want such strong partners, then invite us, not like it's happening now," Zelenskyy concluded.
As reported by Rubrkya, today, September 10, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the First Lady take part in the Yalta European Strategy (YES) forum.
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