Ukrainian parliament passes law banning discrimination in advertising

The Verkhovna Rada has adopted Law No. 3427 "On the Introduction of Amendments to the Law of Ukraine 'On Advertising' on Combating Discrimination on the Grounds of Sex."

Some 307 MPs voted for this decision at a parliament meeting on Friday, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

The law bans the use in ads of any discriminatory statements and/or images based on national origin, social and property status, race and nationality, sex, education, political views, religion, language, gender and occupation, place of residence, as well as those that discredit another person's goods.

In addition, it is prohibited to place in advertising any statements and/or images about the intellectual, physical, social or other superiority of one sex over another and/or about the stereotypical role of men and women that promotes humiliating and degrading treatment, to degrade human dignity on the basis of sex, to demonstrate violence on the basis of sex, to use images of the human body (body parts) exclusively as a sexual object in order to attract consumer attention and/or references (words, sounds, images) to sexual relations that do not concern advertised products or methods of their consumption.

At the same time, the liability for violating the legislation on advertising has been tightened, and the protection of the rights of advertising consumers has been strengthened.

Bill No. 3427 "On the Introduction of Amendments to the Law of Ukraine 'On Advertising' on Combating Discrimination on the Grounds of Sex" was adopted at first reading on March 4, 2021.

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