He said this in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.
"I very much hope that this autumn we will definitely bring it [the draft law No. 5512 "On Local Referendum] into the hall for adoption as a basis. We held a public discussion, now we are analyzing the proposals received from people. And then, taking into account these proposals, we will finalize it for the second reading," he said.
Stefanchuk noted that the bill, in particular, provides an opportunity to declare distrust and dismiss the mayor, as well as dissolve the local council.
In addition, according to him, the document provides a large number of safeguards to prevent separatism and other negative phenomena. Stefanchuk stressed that the local referendum should be used for the benefit of communities.
As Ukrinform reported, in March 2021, the bill "On Local Referendum" was submitted for public discussion.
On May 19, a group of MPs led by First Deputy Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk registered the relevant draft law in parliament.
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