He said this at a briefing in the Verkhovna Rada on Monday, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.
"There is Article 90 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which clearly provides for the possibility of the early termination of the powers of the Verkhovna Rada. If there is at least one of the three norms for the dissolution of parliament, we will talk. As of today, none of them has been implemented," Razumkov said.
Razumkov said the reasons for the early termination of the powers of the parliament included the absence of a coalition or the parliament's failure to hold plenary meetings within 30 days. He stressed that this had never happened during the entire term of the Verkhovna Rada of the ninth convocation. According to the current rules of procedure of the Verkhovna Rada, one MP is enough to open a parliament sitting, he said.
"The third [reason for dissolving parliament] is related to the unformed government, according to colleagues. Article 10 of the law on the Cabinet of Ministers states that it is legitimate if two-thirds of members of the Cabinet of Ministers have taken an oath before the Verkhovna Rada," Razumkov added.
He also expressed hope that participants in this process would not mislead the president and would not push him to violate the current legislation, especially the Constitution.
First Deputy Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk earlier said in an interview with the Ukraine 24 television channel that formal reasons for the dissolution of parliament "existed and exist."
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