
Tourism development center to be set up in Kyiv

A municipal non-profit enterprise 'Kyiv Tourism Development Center' will be established in Kyiv by reorganizing Municipal Enterprise 'Kyiv City Tourist Information Center'.

The decision was made at a session of Kyiv City Council, the Council's press service reports.

"The creation of the center will enhance the positive dynamics of development of the tourism attractiveness of the city of Kyiv, its promotion in Ukraine and the world. The main activity of the enterprise will be the implementation of the tasks and activities of the city target programs aimed at the development of the tourism industry, and assistance in developing and implementing measures to popularize the city's tourism resources, as well as creating comfortable conditions for tourists. In the process of forming and implementing urban policy in the tourism sector, a comprehensive analysis will be carried out taking into account public opinion," said Viktoriia Mukha, head of the Standing Commission on Culture, Tourism and Public Communications.

According to her, the creation of the Kyiv Tourism Development Center will help provide a comprehensive approach to tourism development, increase the number and improve the quality of services for Kyiv residents and guests of the capital on a free basis.

As reported, 308,000 foreign tourists have visited Kyiv since the beginning of the year. The number of domestic tourists is more than 500,000 people.

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