Zelenskyy met with startup founders and employees of large companies in Silicon Valley from Ukraine

During his visit to the United States, President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, met with Ukrainian startup founders and Ukrainians who hold senior positions in major Silicon Valley technology companies.

According to the press service of the Office of the President, the head of state spoke about his productive visit to the United States, summits, and presentation of the Transformation Plan of Ukraine.

"I see that there's interest. Now everyone wants to know the details. And we need people like you. I'm very glad that you're successful in the United States. I'd like you to succeed in Ukraine as well," he said to the participants of the meeting.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that digitalization was taking place in Ukraine, and everyone saw it, even outside our country.

According to him, the state is currently doing many things to make it interesting, convenient, and profitable for startups to work in Ukraine. In particular, the law on a special legal regime, "Diia City," for those who work in the IT industry, has been adopted.

"We're ready to create conditions and help. We're creating digital infrastructure, introducing digital residency and in general, we're ahead of other countries in many areas of digital technology implementation," Zelenskyy said.

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