This is published on the official website of the NGO "Ukrainian Environmental Group," Rubryka reports.
"Expansion of the territory of villages at the expense of protective lands on the Kinburn spit on the initiative of Ochakiv united territorial community will lead to 22 billion hryvnias of losses," the message reads.
It is also noted that the Kinbirn has the regional landscape park, the "Biloberezhzhia Sviatoslava" National Park, an emerald network, and a wetland of international importance. If their territory is included in settlements, as the Ochakiv united territorial community wants, they will be built up.
For this, new plans of villages, Pokrovka, Pokrovske, and Vasilivka were ordered (about 800 people altogether live there).
"Announced Plans contain many missed texts and even question marks in places where the authors thought what to write. It looks like they did it in a hurry to unveil the drafts. Recently, public hearings were held on which no remarks, including ours, were not voiced," the environmentalists emphasize.
They address the Cabinet of Ministers and the Office of the Prosecutor General to stop the destruction of the Kinburn Peninsula.
It should be noted that this problem is currently finding a significant resonance in the region. After all, the Ochakiv community has developed new general plans for villages in the Kinburn spit. According to them, Vasilivka village increases by 7.7 times, Pokrovka and Pokrovske, in 3.3 times. In general, it is planned to include more than 1000 hectares of protected coast.
There were public hearings that formally approved this decision.
According to the director of the "Kinburnska Kosa" regional landscape park, Zinovii Petrovich, territories, the villages want to include, have the status of objects of the natural reserve fund of Ukraine: "Kinburnska Kosa" regional landscape park and part of the "Biloberezhzhia Sviatoslava" Nature Park. They are introduced into the emerald network of Europe, part of them are the wetland of the international meaning, "Yahorlytska Zatoka."
"In the event of the implementation of these plans, the Black Sea will be built up, because it's impossible to use this territory for farming. So the orchid field will be finally lost, the only locality of Alyssum borzaeanum, wetlands including the ones of international importance. Millions of rare plants and animals of the Red Book of Ukraine, European, and World Red Lists are also destroyed. All uniqueness of the Kinburn spit under threat," Petrovich stated.
The situation is also complicated by the fact that there is no sewage and roads on the peninsula. It is possible to get here from the territory of the Mykolaiv region only a boat. Therefore, the implementation of the plans will mean and large-scale construction of infrastructure.
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