Anti-aircraft missile units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine train in the south of Ukraine: photo

At one of the combat training grounds in the country's south, the personnel of anti-aircraft missile units improved their air defense skills.

The public relations department of the Joint Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced it, Rubryka reports.

"During the training, the combat services of the Buk, Osa, and S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems completed several tasks related to the air cover of groups of troops and important infrastructure facilities in a mode as close as possible to combat," said the commander of the joint forces of Armed Forces, Lieutenant-General Serhii Naiev.

Photo: Command of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

According to the commander, during the practical phase of the exercises, the air defense equipment worked out the issues of aiming at the enemy's targets, as well as the tasks of supporting ground forces, repelling a conventional enemy air attack, and covering important state facilities.

"The exercises were aimed at increasing the coherence in the work of combat predictions. Therefore, in planning their training, we took into account generalized analysis of the experience of combat operations," said Lieutenant General Serhii Naiev.

According to him, the servicemen who took part in the training coped with the set tasks. The goal of training has been achieved.

Photo: Command of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Photo: Command of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Photo: Command of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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