This is stated in a joint statement on the strategic partnership between Ukraine and the United States, published on the website of the President of Ukraine, Rubryka reports.
"To support Ukraine's reform efforts, the US government has provided nearly $2 billion in development assistance to Ukraine since 2014 and plans to provide more than $463 million in assistance this year, including for programs focused on democracy, human rights, local government, and decentralization, privatization, and judicial reform," the document reads.
At the same time, the statement states that Ukraine plans to reform its judiciary in line with international best practices and intends to build a successfully established independent anti-corruption infrastructure.
It is stated that these steps include the immediate election of a new Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor under international best practices and the adoption of legislation to protect the powers of the NABU Director, as well as to ensure a transparent and reliable successor selection process.
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