Oleksii Arestovych, an adviser to the delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group, said this on the Ukraine 24 channel.
"It seems to me that the topics of the talks will be considered as follows. First, Russia is not fulfilling the Minsk and Normandy agreements, undermining them directly, as well as the Paris agreements with President Zelenskyy. Second, this failure prevents peace in Donbas agreed in all documents of Minsk and Normandy formats. The Russians are openly sabotaging it. Apparently, President Zelenskyy will ask the United States to provide a joint assessment of such actions by Russia," the speaker said.
Arestovych admitted that Zelenskyy would raise the issue of introducing an additional mediator in the negotiations on Donbas, "whose weight is enough" to force Russia to abide by the agreements.
"Zelenskyy is likely to say that only a new or additional mediator, whose weight in the world will be enough to force Russia to do at least part of these agreements, for example, in the humanitarian and security spheres, should be connected to the Normandy format in that or something else. Or a new format should be added. Different formats are being considered. Let's see what the presidents agree on," Arestovych said.
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