This is the first Ukrainian-language audio guide in this country and the 29th launched globally within the initiative of President's wife Olena Zelenska, the press service of the President's Office informed on August 26.
"Ukrainian-language audio guides aim to make international cultural heritage accessible to our compatriots, and Ukrainian language – notable to foreigners. Today we launch the 29th audio guide in our network. Each of them is an important part of the cultural diplomacy project, and I see them as confident steps in developing Ukraine's image in the world," said the First Lady.
The Museum of Macedonian Struggle presents more than 3,000 ancient exhibits related to the historical and cultural traditions of the people, the struggle for liberation, and the creation of an independent state.
In addition, according to the President's Office, it contains works by Ukrainian artists: a quarter of the paintings from the museum collection were created by Oleksiy Kulakov, Larysa Bondarenko, and Natalia Papirna.
As noted, the wax statues of prominent Macedonian historical figures, presented in the museum, were also made by Ukrainian masters.
"The launch of a Ukrainian-language audio guide will allow tourists from Ukraine, who travel to this friendly Balkan country increasingly often, to better understand the identity and the path of development of the Macedonian people," the President's Office stressed.
The Ukrainian-language audio guides have already been launched in Greece, Kenya, Great Britain, France, Austria, and other countries.
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