"It is a great honor to be here today. Warm, historical, friendly, neighborly relations with Moldova are very important for us," the Ukrainian President said.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy stressed that Ukraine considers Moldova an important partner.
"We believe that we cannot have any questions about our friendly relations," he said.
The President of Ukraine also noted that our country is open to deepening relations with Moldova.
"We are glad to be present at the festivities on the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Moldova," said Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
The interlocutors discussed the prospects of trade and economic cooperation, in particular on the implementation of infrastructure projects.
"Relations between Ukraine and Moldova have a huge potential, and today we need to concentrate our efforts to use it," the Ukrainian President stressed.
The Presidents praised the work carried out by the parties in the framework of the project to build a border bridge over the Dniester on the Ukrainian-Moldovan state border.
In addition, the heads of state discussed the return of Ukrainian energy companies to the Moldovan electricity supply market.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked Maia Sandu for participating in the Crimea Platform summit and joining its declaration.
"As before, Ukraine and Moldova mutually support each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders. Your personal participation in the Crimea Platform summit reaffirmed this position and demonstrated our common desire to resist external pressure," the President of Ukraine said.
The leaders stressed the need for further close cooperation in the Associated Trio format to deepen political association and economic integration with the EU, as provided for in the relevant association agreements, as well as to promote new opportunities within the Eastern Partnership.
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