Тhe decree to that effect has been published on the website of the head of state.
According to the document, the decree comes into force from the date of its publication.
NSDC Secretary Oleksiy Danilov has been charged with monitoring the implementation of the NSDC decision.
According to the NSDC decision, the government, in order to create cyber troops in the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and make sure they acquire the appropriate capabilities, has been instructed to immediately calculate the needs for the amount of material, technical and financial resources needed to create and ensure the proper functioning of cyber troops, ensure the staffing of cyber troops taking into account the optimal ratio of service members, employees of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, as well as reservists and other categories of persons.
In addition, based on the results of calculations, the government was given two months to draw up and submit to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine a bill on the establishment and functioning of cyber troops in the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
The NSDC at its meeting on May 14 adopted Ukraine's cyber security development strategy for the next five years.
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