She told this to the Yevropeiska Pravda.
"I would like the European Union to be bolder on the issue of enlargement. We need a solution for the Eastern partners: whether we offer them full membership, or create a new format for the three states that have ambitions (Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia – ed.)," Kersti Kaljulaid noted.
The President of Estonia noted that she herself was a supporter of simple enlargement, but it will take a long time.
"Accession to the EU has a lot of conditions. And, frankly, none of your countries meet the criteria for membership. You'll need 20 years of work until you reach this readiness… All three countries have problems with the courts. You don't meet the requirements for membership in the EU!" Kaljulaid emphasized.
According to her, Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia may be helped on the European integration path by a certain intermediate stage, and their economies are already integrating with the EU economy.
"We're ready to help these changes but doing the work is on you. And it's hard work," said the Estonian president.
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