Zelenskyy approves Strategy for Defense-Industrial Complex Development

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed Decree № 372/2021 "On the Decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of June 18, 2021 'On the Strategy for the Development of the Defense and Industrial Complex of Ukraine."

According to the Office of the President, the strategy identifies the priority areas of the state military-industrial policy, the goals of the defense-industrial complex reform, and the expected results of their achievement, considering the current threats and challenges.

Based on this document, state programs for the defense industry and import substitution development will be prepared.

According to the Strategy, the goal of the state military-industrial policy is to create a competitive and high-tech defense-industrial complex capable of meeting the existing and future needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations in armaments and military equipment based on modern standards of corporate governance.

The document also takes into account current and projected factors influencing the development of the defense industry. In particular, domestic and world conditions and trends in the development of armaments.

Among the priorities for the defense industry development, the Strategy identifies technical re-equipment of research and production base, the introduction of new technologies, creation of rocket and space technology, high-precision weapons, electronic warfare, air defense systems, and military shipbuilding and helicopter construction.

Innovative activity in the defense-industrial complex should be aimed at updating the production base taking into account the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress and the transition to new types of specialization and organization of production.

The strategy is implemented in three stages:

  1. 2021-2022
    It is envisaged to fulfill the tasks identified in the priority areas of defense development, development and approval of a comprehensive plan for reforming the defense industry;
  2. 2023-2024
    The document provides for the implementation of projects and plans for the development of defense enterprises;
  3. 2025-2030
    The development of new technologies that will reduce the use of imported agricultural products will continue. Diversification, technical re-equipment, and development of the research and production base of defense industry enterprises will also continue.

The Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine will provide an annual public report on the implementation of the Strategy.

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