He stated this during a visit to the Pivdennyi offshore oil terminal, Radio Svoboda reports.
Vitrenko added that this issue would most likely be discussed at a meeting of two presidents, Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the United States.
"In our opinion, this geopolitical project should be stopped, including due to US sanctions," the company chairperson said.
According to Vitrenko, Ukraine continues to work with US parliamentarians, congressional representatives, and senators:
"We convince them that effective sanctions should be imposed on this project's provider, Nordstream AG, so that gas through this pipeline doesn't go to Europe bypassing Ukraine."
Vitrenko reiterated that the provider shouldn't receive a certificate to work in Europe, and Ukraine is not negotiating compensation.
Ukraine plans to make a "green transition" within 15 years, but to make it, it's necessary to invest tens of billions of dollars, which the country receives from gas transit, he explained.
According to Vitrenko, these issues will also be discussed during the visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
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